Chapter 9: The Geography of Maritime Trade

Course overview -The shipping industry adds value by exploiting arbitrages between global markets and there is a physical dimension to shipping economics, so we must be aware of the … More

Unit 9.1: Maps, charts, regions and countries

The aim of this unit is to discuss the tools of sea trade geography.  It covers the different maps projections … More

Unit 9.2: Oceans, distances, speed and logistics

This unit discusses some basic issues in organising sea transport logistics.  It starts with a review of … More

Unit 9.3: The countries that trade by sea

The aim in this unit is to take a look at the countries in the six maritime regions, their size, land area, … More

Unit 9.4: Regional trends in seaborne trade

This final Unit in the lecture discusses how trade growth has changed over the decades.  It uses 70-year … More
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