Chapter 6: Cost, Revenue & Cashflow

Course overview — This course discusses the costs and revenues of operating merchant ships.  Costs are divided into voyage costs and operating costs.  Capital costs are also discussed, though … More

Unit 6.1: Cashflow and the art of survival

Discusses what cash is and why cashflow management is important in shipping.

Unit 6.2: Shipping Cashflow analysis

This unit provides a brief overview of the key elements in the shipping cashflow model.

Unit 6.3: The cost of running ships

Examines the five main variables in the cost analysis model.

Unit 6.4: The capital cost of the ship

Capital is a crucial element in the cashflow equation, because its associated cashflow is so flexible.

Unit 6.5: The revenue the ship (or fleet) earns

Focuses on revenue earned from freight and also the productivity of the ship as a way of increasing … More

Unit 6.6: Shipping company accounts

Looks at the income statement; the balance sheet and the cashflow statement

Unit 6.7: Four methods of computing the cashflow

Discusses four methods of analysing cashflow for a shipping company.

Unit 6.8: Valuing merchant ships

Provides a quick overview of the methodology used for valuing merchant ships

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