Each Chapter has up to 8 units.
Scroll and click one of the links below
to view chapter material.
Chapter 1: History of Cargo Transport By Sea
Chapter 2: Introduction to Maritime Transport
Chapter 3: Shipping Market Cycles
Chapter 4: Supply, Demand and Freight Rates
Chapter 5: The Four Shipping Markets
Chapter 6: Cost, Revenue & Cashflow
Chapter 7: Financing Ships & Companies
Chapter 8: Risk, Return & Company Profits
Chapter 9: The Geography of Maritime Trade
Chapter 10: Principles of Maritime Trade
Chapter 11: Transport of Bulk Cargo
Chapter 12: Transport of Specialised Cargoes
Chapter 13: Liner Shipping
Chapter 14: Ships That Supply Sea Transport
Chapter 15: Shipbuilding and Scrapping
Chapter 16: Regulation of Maritime Transport
Chapter 17: Forecasting and Market Research
Chapter 18: Introduction to Market Modelling
Chapter 19: Valuing Ships
Chapter 20: References


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Test Creator: Martin Stopford, MD, Marecon Ltd.    Last updated:  24-Apr-24.  © Marecon Ltd.

Unit 3.1: Characteristics of Shipping Cycles

Welcome to Unit 3.1: Characteristics of Shipping Cycles.  In this unit we deal with the basics of shipping cycles.  The definition, the three different types and the four stages in a typical cycle.

Q1   We started off this study session with a blunt statement that although cycles can be found in freight rates, ship prices and shipbuilding output, they are unlikely to look much like the nice symmetrical cycle shown in the chart in slide 1.  Why is this.  And what does it suggest about the best approach to forecasting shipping cycles?
Q2   We identified three different types of shipping cycles.  What are they?
Q3   What was the name of the Russian economist who developed a theory of long economic cycles?  How long were these cycles and what caused them?
Q4   Take a close look at the VLCC tanker earnings chart in slide 4.  What conclusion might a tanker investor draw about likely VLCC earnings?
Q5   Is there a regular seasonal cycle in the VLCC market?  At what time of year does it cycle generally peak?
Q6   In Unit 3.1 we defined four stages in a shipping cycle.  What are they?  Is this way of describing cycles useful?
Q7   Based on the note to slide 8, at what level might you expect earnings to stabilise at the trough of a cycle and why stabilise at this level?
Q8   Based on Slide 12, what conclusion did analysts reach on the causes of market cycles?  Provide a short summary of what they thought.

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